Dwarf Fortress Server
Dwarf Fortress Server is a Docker image that allows you to run Dwarf Fortress inside a Docker container, and connect and play through your web browser (using NoVNC).
Github Repo: https://github.com/DockerDemos/DwarfFortressServer
Issue Tracker: https://github.com/DockerDemos/DwarfFortressServer/issues
Building the Image
git clone https://github.com/DockerDemos/DwarfFortressServer.git
cd DwarfFortressServer
sudo docker build -t dwarffortress .
<-- Note the period on the end
Running the Container
sudo docker run -p 80:6080 -d dwarffortress
Then, to play Dwarf Fortress in your browsers, visit http://<ip address or hostname of your host>/ , and click "Connect". No password is required.
Note: Your browser must support HTML5 Websockers. Check if your browser supports websockets: http://caniuse.com/#search=web%20sockets
- Thanks to Toady and ThreeToe for making Dwarf Fortress - best.game.evar!
- Thanks to the NoVNC team. VNC in a browser is absolutely amazing.
- Thanks to Paim Pozhil for helping me figure out NoVNC with his Docker-NoVNC repo!
This Dwarf Fortress Server Docker image is Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Chris Collins and released under the GNU General Public License, version 3.